Sylvan Lake Lodge Foundation
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There are many day trips planned throughout the year. The most popular day trips we have done in the past are The Markerville Creamery, Crow's Landing, Ellis Bird Farm, Top O' the Hill Golf Course, T & S Lilly Farm and various community events.

The Lodge has lots of people from all different walks of life. There are many friends and memories to be made.

Keeping an active lifestyle is an important part of our residents' lives. With indoor and outdoor activities in our schedule as well as weekly "Sit and Be Fit" classes, residents can always keep active and entertained.

Whether you show an interest in music, knitting, crocheting, puzzles, reading, arts and crafts, gardening or games, there are enough resources here to keep the things you love to do a part of your life.

Our dining room is not only the place where meals are served but it is also the heart of activities. It serves as a concert hall for our various musical guests, a party venue for birthdays and holidays, and sports arena for our activity and exercise programs.